The Process

Step 1
From before the moment a calf is born, the animal is under the care of Angus Pastoral Company. Our closely knit team of cattlemen and cattlewomen guide and nurture the animals throughout their pasture-raised and feedlot-finished journey. They also individually assign each and every animal to one of our Bespoke Beef brands, Sondella, Kimberley Red, or Oino Gustus, based on its traits and characteristics. This selection is backed by generations of cattle knowledge and experience who have done the same.
Step 2
The animal is then moved through our processing plant under the watchful eye of Signature Onfarm. This is where it is butchered by craftsmen and craftswomen from across the country, with a focus on precision and accuracy. Read more about our abattoir here. Once the beef is packaged and in its final form, it is then the job of Bespoke Beef and Signature Beef to sell the beef and transport it to its final destination, whether this be renowned restaurants across the world, or your home doorstep.

Step 3
Once the beef is packaged and in its final form, it is then the job of Bespoke Beef and Signature Beef to sell the beef and transport it to its final destination, whether this be renowned restaurants across the world, or your home doorstep.